By guest blogger, Jackie Waters @
No one who lives in a rented property wants to give up their security deposit. And that’s why so many renters never make some of the decor changes they want to make. But it’s essential that you love spending time in your home, especially if you have kids or work remotely.
Fortunately, you can decorate your living space and even create a stellar home office without compromising your deposit. Check out these tips from EWM Realty on how to add some personality, productivity, and relaxation to your rented home:
Look Elsewhere
First of all, if the home you are renting is not meeting your business or personal needs, you should consider looking for another place to live. You don’t want to start upgrading your living space if you are not going to stay there for the foreseeable future.
If you determine that you would like to purchase a home, start researching the housing market and the area you are considering moving to. This will give you an idea of what types of homes are available and how much you should plan to budget for.
Embrace Feng Shui
In short, feng shui refers to a technique and philosophy for positioning objects in your home to where they contribute to order and productivity. When you work from home, this can be a great strategy to implement. For example, consider positioning your primary workstation so that you can see the rest of the room when you sit down. Also, be sure to keep your desk and tables clear of clutter. Adding a little water fountain, flowers, and plants can also improve your work and living space.
Update the Decor
Now, to the fun part! Just because you are renting your home doesn’t mean you can’t put a little personality into the place. There are plenty of landlord-friendly updates you can make, such as putting in a statement rug with attractive colors and patterns. And adding house plants, along with incorporating feng shui, can add aesthetic appeal to your living space while also purifying the air in your home period.
Ask your landlord about painting the walls. If it won’t be a problem, consider going with a neutral color like white, gray, or off-white. Think about storage solutions that can help you save space, especially if your home is on the smaller side. There are plenty of attractive storage solutions that can help you stay organized without compromising the overall appeal of your apartment or house. More specifically, look into mobility storage for bicycles, scooters, and other mobility devices.
Create a Home Office
If you work from home, you need an office. Start carving out space for an office now or considering how you can upgrade your current one. For instance, make sure your office is in an area where you can minimize distractions. And make sure your primary workstation is near a window so that you can get plenty of natural light flowing in. For additional lighting, stick to floor lamps or desk lamps.
Working at home when you live in a small space can be difficult, especially if you have kids. Consider buying a partition, curtain, or another type of barrier if you need to close your office off from the rest of the room. And if your landlord says it’s okay that you paint, throw a color on the wall that will inspire you and help you concentrate. Furthermore, outfit your home office with any equipment you need, whether that’s a computer, printer, desk, ergonomic chair, or anything else that will help you fulfill your daily tasks.
Don’t neglect to make your rented home your own. Consider the tips above to redecorate your living environment, and keep looking for other ways to make it more attractive and interesting. In no time, you’ll be inspired and motivated to get your work done while also enjoying personal time from home.
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Article by Guest Blogger: Jackie Waters of